Welcome to snippets!

Our editor will allow you to compile code directly in your browser.
You can play with some example components below.

Play with a chart

Try to change the value of sales in March, to do that change the following line in the Java Script code

data: [0, 65, 45, 65, 35, 65, 0],

After that try changing the color of the chart, to do that change the following line in the JavaScript code

var gradientFill = ctxL.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 290); gradientFill.addColorStop(0, "rgba(173, 53, 186, 1)"); gradientFill.addColorStop(1, "rgba(173, 53, 186, 0.1)");

Do something creative

Play with buttons

Try to change the lightning icon in the first button.To do that choose your favorite icon from this list and change the following line in the HTML code:

class="fas fa-bolt"

After that Try to change the color of the second button. To do that change the following line in the HTML code

class="btn-floating btn-primary"

Try to play with it and do something artistic

Play with a custom component

Try to change the picture in the player. To do that change the following line in the HTML code


After that you should see a new picture in the player

Try to play with it and create amazing content


Trick me (DJ Flam remix)


Publish your snippet by clicking the button at the top.
Now you can boast to friends that you have completed your first snippet adventure!

Tell your friends about your snippet adventure TWEET!

After that, let's try something more challenging

Now challenges!

We invite you to one of the Snippet Challenges

Choose the level of difficulty & win different prizes!