I. Collections


  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Item 4

<ul class="collection">
        <li class="collection-item">Item 1</li>
        <li class="collection-item">Item 2</li>
        <li class="collection-item">Item 3</li>
        <li class="collection-item">Item 4</li>


<div class="collection">
        <a href="#!" class="collection-item">Item 1</a>
        <a href="#!" class="collection-item active">Item 2</a>
        <a href="#!" class="collection-item">Item 3</a>
        <a href="#!" class="collection-item">Item 4</a>


  • Heading

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Item 4

<ul class="collection with-header">
        <li class="collection-header">
        <li class="collection-item">Item 1</li>
        <li class="collection-item">Item 2</li>
        <li class="collection-item">Item 3</li>
        <li class="collection-item">Item 4</li>

Colored header

		<div class="collection z-depth-2">
            <a class="collection-item blue"><h4 class="white-text">Item 1</h4></a>
            <a href="#!" class="collection-item">Item 2</a>
            <a href="#!" class="collection-item">Item 3</a>
            <a href="#!" class="collection-item active">Item 4</a>
            <a href="#!" class="collection-item">Item 5</a>
            <a href="#!" class="collection-item">Item 6</a>
            <a href="#!" class="collection-item">Item 7</a>

Secondary content

<ul class="collection with-header">
        <li class="collection-header">
        <li class="collection-item">
            <div>Item 1<a href="#!" class="secondary-content"><i class="material-icons">send</i></a></div>
        <li class="collection-item">
            <div>Item 2<a href="#!" class="secondary-content"><i class="material-icons">send</i></a></div>
        <li class="collection-item">
            <div>Item 3<a href="#!" class="secondary-content"><i class="material-icons">send</i></a></div>
        <li class="collection-item">
            <div>Item 4<a href="#!" class="secondary-content"><i class="material-icons">send</i></a></div>

Avatar Content

  • Title

    First Line
    Second Line

  • folder Title

    First Line
    Second Line

  • insert_chart Title

    First Line
    Second Line

  • play_arrow Title

    First Line
    Second Line


<ul class="collection">
        <li class="collection-item avatar">
            <img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/img/avatar.jpeg" alt="" class="circle">
            <span class="title">Title</span>
            <p>First Line
                <br> Second Line
            <a href="#!" class="secondary-content"><i class="material-icons">grade</i></a>
        <li class="collection-item avatar">
            <i class="material-icons circle">folder</i>
            <span class="title">Title</span>
            <p>First Line
                <br> Second Line
            <a href="#!" class="secondary-content"><i class="material-icons">grade</i></a>
        <li class="collection-item avatar">
            <i class="material-icons circle green">insert_chart</i>
            <span class="title">Title</span>
            <p>First Line
                <br> Second Line
            <a href="#!" class="secondary-content"><i class="material-icons">grade</i></a>
        <li class="collection-item avatar">
            <i class="material-icons circle red">play_arrow</i>
            <span class="title">Title</span>
            <p>First Line
                <br> Second Line
            <a href="#!" class="secondary-content"><i class="material-icons">grade</i></a>

II. Classic Bootstrap Tables

Contextual Classes

Contextual classes can be used to color table rows or table cells. The classes that can be used are: .active, .success, .info, .warning, and .danger.

Firstname Lastname Email
John Doe john@example.com
Mary Moe mary@example.com
July Dooley july@example.com

    <table class="table">
            <tr class="success">
            <tr class="danger">
            <tr class="info">

Basic Table

The .table class adds basic styling (light padding and only horizontal dividers) to a table:

Firstname Lastname Email
John Doe john@example.com
Mary Moe mary@example.com
July Dooley july@example.com
  <table class="table">

Striped Rows

The .table-striped class adds zebra-stripes to a table:

Firstname Lastname Email
John Doe john@example.com
Mary Moe mary@example.com
July Dooley july@example.com
  <table class="table table-striped">

Bordered Table

The .table-bordered class adds borders to a table:

Firstname Lastname Email
John Doe john@example.com
Mary Moe mary@example.com
July Dooley july@example.com

     <table class="table table-bordered">

Hover Rows

The .table-hover class enables a hover state on table rows:

Firstname Lastname Email
John Doe john@example.com
Mary Moe mary@example.com
July Dooley july@example.com

    <table class="table table-hover">

Condensed Table

The .table-condensed class makes a table more compact by cutting cell padding in half:

Firstname Lastname Email
John Doe john@example.com
Mary Moe mary@example.com
July Dooley july@example.com

    <table class="table table-condensed">