Welcome on our website!

About us

Forbes ranking said we're the best company on the world, but I think we're much, much better. We've got clients in every corner of the world, they love us! Join us and become our next satisfied member of our store chain!

Card image cap
Card image cap

Who is the boss?

Our CEO - The Fairy Godmother is the best fairy in the whole Far Far Away, trust us! She can do almost everything! From spells, through the cursers to potions and giving advices! Actually she's a godmother all of us, isn't she?

What can I do with you?


We've got a lot of potions for a lot of problems. Just buy and try.

Show me offers!


If you cut the head of one, you can bring it to us and you'll recieve a 15% discount!

Can you do this for me?


We are also throwing curses on people or other creatures. Wanna try?

I've got someone...


You can contact us in many different ways. We've got faxes, phones, even pigeons! If you wanna know something, just call us!

I want to contact!


Fairy Godmother also gives advices. If you want to talk to her, just buy our card and drop a tear on it.

I want this card!