Topic: Angular: MDButton adds inline style tag with default background color

malte premium asked 4 years ago

**Expected behavior** Primary butto has the background color I set by SCSS variable. **Actual behavior** Primary Button has default priimary background color. **Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)** I overwrote the variables for several colors. The styles are actually loaded, but the button directive adds the default colors as inline style.See Screenshot below:

Developer Console Screenshot

And this is what my vendor/mdb.scss looks like:

$primary-color:        #ff6600;
$primary-color-dark:   darken($primary-color, 45%);
$secondary-color:      #3d3d3d;
$secondary-color-dark: darken($secondary-color, 45%);
$default-color:        #666666;
$default-color-dark:   darken($default-color, 45%);

$primary:       $primary-color;
$secondary:     $secondary-color;

@import '../../../node_modules/ng-uikit-pro-standard/assets/scss/bootstrap/bootstrap.scss';
@import '../../../node_modules/ng-uikit-pro-standard/assets/scss/mdb.scss';

Konrad Stępień staff answered 4 years ago

Hi @malte,

Could you try to make a custom skin for your project and then change color of the component?

Here you can find how to add custom colour for custom component or override styles of the component with skin colours.

And here more information about making skins.

Best, Konrad.

malte premium commented 4 years ago

Adding skin worked. Thank you!

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Premium
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: 8.10.1
  • Device: PC
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No