Topic: Buttons-colors-map has Secondary Color Hardcoded (#e3ebf7)

norbertbede premium asked 8 months ago

Expected behavior

( 'secondary': ( 'background-color': $secondary, 'text-color': $secondary, 'shadow-color': $secondary, ),

Actual behavior

'secondary': ( 'background-color': #e3ebf7, 'text-color': #285192, 'shadow-color': #e3ebf7, ),

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

// scss-docs-start buttons-colors-map
$buttons: () !default;
$buttons: map-merge(
    'primary': (
      'background-color': $primary,
      'text-color': $white,
      'shadow-color': $primary,
    'secondary': (
      'background-color': #e3ebf7,
      'text-color': #285192,
      'shadow-color': #e3ebf7,
    'success': (
      'background-color': $success,
      'text-color': $white,
      'shadow-color': $success,

My assumption is the secondary should be defined by variable as others like primary etc. WDYT ? norbert

Rafał Seifert staff answered 8 months ago

It's a bug on our side. We have already fix for it and it is going to be included in the next release.

norbertbede premium commented 8 months ago

thanks. when we can await it approximately ?

Rafał Seifert staff commented 8 months ago

The issue you've highlighted is linked to a comprehensive theming update that is currently in progress. At this moment, we have not established a definitive timeline for its completion. I apologize for misinformation in the last message.

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Premium
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: MDB5 5.1.0
  • Device: desktop
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: OSX
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No