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Topic: Does MDBOOTSTRAP EDITS BOOTSTRAP OFICIAL LIBRARY? If so how do we change that?

Alex GuaMi pro asked 7 years ago

I'm trying to use MDBootstrap with my project but as soon as I installed it all my project frontend changed. I've seen you have edited the bootstrap library.. How do we solve that? I want to use bootstrap without your editions.

Dawid Adach pro answered 7 years ago

Dear Alex, MDB comes with embedded Bootstrap (S)CSS files as well as our own styles which are indeed overwriting basic behaviour of Bootstrap to provide/extend it looks/functionality according to Material Design specs. If you i.e. would like to use normal buttons instead of ours, you can comment out our buttons scss file in scss/mdb/mdb.scss :  
@import "mdb/free/buttons";

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  • ForumUser: Pro
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  • Technology: MDB Angular
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  • Provided sample code: No
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