Topic: isControls - Carousel

DanielNetzer free asked 6 years ago

Why isn't there an implementation of this simple Input on the carousel to hide the default controls or at least some way to overwrite them?

Damian Gemza staff answered 6 years ago

Hello DanielNetzer, Thanks for your's feedback. It's always good to hear that something could be improved in our code. We didn't implemented option to hide carousel's controls, because it's easy to remove that buttons from carousel component. But i'll add your's case to our nice-to-have list, and we'll thing about implementing it in future releases of MDB. Best Regards, Damian

DanielNetzer free commented 6 years ago

I added that boolean myself but once i install the package again it overwrite my changes

Damian Gemza staff commented 6 years ago

Yes, because when you install package, everything is downloaded from our GIT package. Please provide me your's code. I'll check it, and if it's good, i'll put it to our dev branch.

DanielNetzer free commented 6 years ago

.ts import { Component, Input, OnDestroy, Output, EventEmitter, ElementRef, HostListener } from '@angular/core'; import { isBs3, LinkedList } from '../utils'; import { SlideComponent } from './slide.component'; import { CarouselConfig } from './carousel.config'; export enum Direction { UNKNOWN, NEXT, PREV } /** * Base element to create carousel */ @Component({ selector: 'mdb-carousel', templateUrl: './carousel.component.html', }) export class CarouselComponent implements OnDestroy { protected _slides: LinkedList = new LinkedList(); public get slides(): SlideComponent[] { return this._slides.toArray(); } protected currentInterval: any; protected isPlaying: boolean; protected destroyed = false; protected el: ElementRef = null; protected animationEnd = true; /** If `true` — carousel will not cycle continuously and will have hard stops (prevent looping) */ @Input() public noWrap: boolean; /** If `true` — will disable pausing on carousel mouse hover */ @Input() public noPause: boolean; @Input() public isControls: boolean; @Input() public keyboard: boolean; @Input('class') public class: String = ''; @Input('type') public type: String = ''; @Input('animation') public animation: String = ''; protected _currentActiveSlide: number; /** Will be emitted when active slide has been changed. Part of two-way-bindable [(activeSlide)] property */ @Output() public activeSlideChange: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(false); /** Index of currently displayed slide(started for 0) */ @Input() public set activeSlide(index: number) { if (this._slides.length && index !== this._currentActiveSlide) { this._select(index); } } public get activeSlide(): number { return this._currentActiveSlide; } protected _interval: number; public checkNavigation() { if (this.type === 'carousel-multi-item') { return false; } return true; } public checkDots() { if (this.type === 'carousel-thumbnails') { return false; } return true; } getImg(slide: any) { return slide.el.nativeElement.querySelector('img').src; } /** * Delay of item cycling in milliseconds. If false, carousel won't cycle automatically. */ @Input() public get interval(): number { return this._interval; } public set interval(value: number) { this._interval = value; this.restartTimer(); } public get isBs4(): boolean { return !isBs3(); } public constructor(config: CarouselConfig, el: ElementRef) { Object.assign(this, config); this.el = el; } public ngOnDestroy(): void { this.destroyed = true; } /** * Adds new slide. If this slide is first in collection - set it as active and starts auto changing * @param slide */ public addSlide(slide: SlideComponent): void { this._slides.add(slide); if (this._slides.length === 1) { this._currentActiveSlide = void 0; this.activeSlide = 0;; } } /** * Removes specified slide. If this slide is active - will roll to another slide * @param slide */ public removeSlide(slide: SlideComponent): void { const remIndex = this._slides.indexOf(slide); if (this._currentActiveSlide === remIndex) { // removing of active slide let nextSlideIndex: number = void 0; if (this._slides.length > 1) { // if this slide last - will roll to first slide, if noWrap flag is FALSE or to previous, if noWrap is TRUE // in case, if this slide in middle of collection, index of next slide is same to removed nextSlideIndex = !this.isLast(remIndex) ? remIndex : this.noWrap ? remIndex - 1 : 0; } this._slides.remove(remIndex); // prevents exception with changing some value after checking setTimeout(() => { this._select(nextSlideIndex); }, 0); } else { this._slides.remove(remIndex); const currentSlideIndex = this.getCurrentSlideIndex(); setTimeout(() => { // after removing, need to actualize index of current active slide this._currentActiveSlide = currentSlideIndex; this.activeSlideChange.emit(this._currentActiveSlide); }, 0); } } /** * Rolling to next slide * @param force: {boolean} if true - will ignore noWrap flag */ public nextSlide(force: boolean = false) { if (this.animation === 'slide') { this.pause(); const direction = Direction.NEXT; this.slideAnimation(this.findNextSlideIndex(direction, force), direction); } else if (this.animation === 'fade') { this.pause(); this.fadeAnimation(this.findNextSlideIndex(Direction.NEXT, force)); } else { this.activeSlide = this.findNextSlideIndex(Direction.NEXT, force); } } /** * Rolling to previous slide * @param force: {boolean} if true - will ignore noWrap flag */ public previousSlide(force: boolean = false): void { if (this.animation === 'slide') { this.pause(); const direction = Direction.PREV; this.slideAnimation(this.findNextSlideIndex(direction, force), direction); } else if (this.animation === 'fade') { this.pause(); this.fadeAnimation(this.findNextSlideIndex(Direction.PREV, force)); } else { this.activeSlide = this.findNextSlideIndex(Direction.PREV, force); } } protected fadeAnimation(goToIndex: number) { //const currentSlide = this._slides.get(this._currentActiveSlide); const goToSlide = this._slides.get(goToIndex); if (this.animationEnd) { this.animationEnd = false; goToSlide.directionNext = true; setTimeout(() => { goToSlide.directionNext = false; this.animationEnd = true; this.activeSlide = goToIndex;; }, 100); } } protected slideAnimation(goToIndex: number, direction: any) { const currentSlide = this._slides.get(this._currentActiveSlide); const goToSlide = this._slides.get(goToIndex); if (this.animationEnd) { if (direction === Direction.NEXT) { this.animationEnd = false; goToSlide.directionNext = true; setTimeout(() => { goToSlide.directionLeft = true; currentSlide.directionLeft = true; }, 100); } if (direction === Direction.PREV) { this.animationEnd = false; goToSlide.directionPrev = true; setTimeout(() => { goToSlide.directionRight = true; currentSlide.directionRight = true; }, 100); } setTimeout(() => { goToSlide.directionLeft = false; goToSlide.directionNext = false; currentSlide.directionLeft = false; currentSlide.directionNext = false; goToSlide.directionRight = false; goToSlide.directionPrev = false; currentSlide.directionRight = false; currentSlide.directionPrev = false; this.animationEnd = true; this.activeSlide = goToIndex; let directionName; if (direction === Direction.NEXT) { directionName = 'Next'; } else if (direction === Direction.PREV) { directionName = 'Prev'; } this.activeSlideChange.emit({ 'direction': directionName, 'relatedTarget': this.activeSlide });; }, 700); } } /** * Rolling to specified slide * @param index: {number} index of slide, which must be shown */ public selectSlide(index: number): void { this.pause(); if (this.animation === 'slide') { if (this.activeSlide index) { this.slideAnimation(index, Direction.PREV); } } else if (this.animation === 'fade') { if (index !== this.activeSlide) { this.fadeAnimation(index); } }; } /** * Starts a auto changing of slides */ @HostListener('mouseleave') play() { if (!this.isPlaying) { this.isPlaying = true; this.restartTimer(); } } /** * Stops a auto changing of slides */ @HostListener('mouseenter') pause() { if (!this.noPause) { this.isPlaying = false; this.resetTimer(); } } /** * Finds and returns index of currently displayed slide * @returns {number} */ public getCurrentSlideIndex(): number { return this._slides.findIndex((slide: SlideComponent) =>; } /** * Defines, whether the specified index is last in collection * @param index * @returns {boolean} */ public isLast(index: number): boolean { return index + 1 >= this._slides.length; } /** * Defines next slide index, depending of direction * @param direction: Direction(UNKNOWN|PREV|NEXT) * @param force: {boolean} if TRUE - will ignore noWrap flag, else will return undefined if next slide require wrapping * @returns {any} */ private findNextSlideIndex(direction: Direction, force: boolean): any { let nextSlideIndex = 0; if (!force && (this.isLast(this.activeSlide) && direction !== Direction.PREV && this.noWrap)) { return void 0; } switch (direction) { case Direction.NEXT: // if this is last slide, not force, looping is disabled and need to going forward - select current slide, as a next nextSlideIndex = (!this.isLast(this._currentActiveSlide)) ? this._currentActiveSlide + 1 : (!force && this.noWrap) ? this._currentActiveSlide : 0; break; case Direction.PREV: // if this is first slide, not force, looping is disabled and need to going backward - select current slide, as a next nextSlideIndex = (this._currentActiveSlide > 0) ? this._currentActiveSlide - 1 : (!force && this.noWrap) ? this._currentActiveSlide : this._slides.length - 1; break; default: throw new Error('Unknown direction'); } return nextSlideIndex; } /** * Sets a slide, which specified through index, as active * @param index * @private */ private _select(index: number): void { if (isNaN(index)) { this.pause(); return; } const currentSlide = this._slides.get(this._currentActiveSlide); if (currentSlide) { = false; } const nextSlide = this._slides.get(index); if (nextSlide) { this._currentActiveSlide = index; = true; this.activeSlide = index; // this.activeSlideChange.emit(index); } } /** * Starts loop of auto changing of slides */ private restartTimer(): any { this.resetTimer(); const interval = +this.interval; if (!isNaN(interval) && interval > 0) { this.currentInterval = setInterval( () => { const nInterval = +this.interval; if (this.isPlaying && !isNaN(this.interval) && nInterval > 0 && this.slides.length) { this.nextSlide(); } else { this.pause(); } }, interval); } } /** * Stops loop of auto changing of slides */ private resetTimer(): void { if (this.currentInterval) { clearInterval(this.currentInterval); this.currentInterval = void 0; } } protected hasClass(el: any, className: any) { if (el.classList) { return el.classList.contains(className); } else { return !!el.className.match(new RegExp('(\s|^)' + className + '(\s|$)')); } } protected classAdd(el: any, className: any) { if (el.classList) { el.classList.add(className); } else if (!this.hasClass(el, className)) { el.className += ' ' + className; } } protected removeClass(el: any, className: any) { if (el.classList) { el.classList.remove(className); } else if (this.hasClass(el, className)) { const reg = new RegExp('(\s|^)' + className + '(\s|$)'); el.className = el.className.replace(reg, ' '); } } @HostListener('keyup', ['$event']) keyboardControl(event: KeyboardEvent) { if (this.keyboard) { if (event.keyCode === 39) { this.nextSlide(); } if (event.keyCode === 37) { this.previousSlide(); } } } @HostListener('click', ['$event']) focus() { this.el.nativeElement.focus(); } } .html 1 && !checkNavigation() && isControls"> 1 && checkDots() && isControls"> 1 && !checkDots() && isControls"> 1 && checkNavigation() && isControls"> Previous 1 && checkNavigation() && isControls"> Next

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  • Technology: MDB Angular
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