Topic: LightBoxModule is not available in my pro bundle

Venky pro asked 6 years ago

LightBoxModule is not available in my Pro bundle

Damian Gemza staff answered 6 years ago

Dear Venkymdb,

So your problem is resolved or not? Please let me know.

Best Regards,


Venky pro commented 6 years ago

It is resolved with 7.4.1

Damian Gemza staff answered 6 years ago

Dear Venkymdb,

Could you please specify, if you're using the MDB Angular Pro or MDB Angular Admin Pro products?

The Lightbox component is not available in the MDB Angular Admin Pro.

If you're using the MDB Angular Pro, and you can't use the Lightbox component there, please show me the code which is not working to you, and also the app.module.ts file.

Best Regards,


Venky pro commented 6 years ago

import { ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core'; export { MdbStepperComponent, MdbStepComponent, StepperModule } from './stepper/index'; export { MdbAutoCompleterComponent, MdbOptionComponent, MdbAutoCompleterDirective, AutoCompleterModule, MdbAutoCompleterOptionDirective } from './auto-completer/index'; export { RangeModule, MdbRangeInputComponent } from './range/index'; export { AutoFormatModule, MdbDateFormatDirective, MdbCreditCardDirective, MdbCvvDirective } from './auto-format/index'; export { ScrollSpyModule, ScrollSpyDirective, ScrollSpyWindowDirective, ScrollSpyElementDirective, ScrollSpyLinkDirective, ScrollSpyService } from './scroll-spy/index'; export { AutocompleteModule, CompleterComponent, CompleterListItemComponent, CompleterService, LocalDataFactoryProvider, RemoteDataFactoryProvider, MdbCompleterDirective, MdbDropdownDirective, MdbInputCompleteDirective, MdbListDirective, MdbRowDirective } from './autocomplete/index'; export { CardsModule, CardRotatingComponent, CardRevealComponent } from './cards/index'; export { ProgressbarComponent, ProgressbarConfigComponent, ProgressbarModule, ProgressBars, ProgressDirective, ProgressSpinnerComponent, BarComponent } from './progressbars/index'; export { MaterialChipsComponent, MaterialChipsModule } from './tags/index'; export { TabDirective, TabHeadingDirective, TabsetComponent, TabsetConfig, TabsModule, NgTranscludeDirective } from './tabs-pills/index'; export { MDBSpinningPreloader } from './preloader/preloader.service'; export { SelectModule, Diacritics, Option, OptionList, IOption, SELECT_VALUE_ACCESSOR, SelectComponent, SelectDropdownComponent } from './material-select/index'; export { MDBDatePickerComponent, DatepickerModule, IMyCalendarDay, IMyCalendarViewChanged, IMyDate, IMyDateModel, IMyDateRange, IMyDayLabels, IMyInputAutoFill, IMyInputFieldChanged, IMyInputFocusBlur, IMyLocales, IMyMarkedDate, IMyMarkedDates, IMyMonth, IMyMonthLabels, IMyOptions, IMyWeek, IMyWeekday, InputAutoFillDirective, MYDP_VALUE_ACCESSOR, UtilService, LocaleService, FocusDirective } from './date-picker/index'; export { TimePickerModule, ClockPickerComponent } from './time-picker/index'; export { SidenavComponent, SidenavModule } from './sidenav/index'; export { ChartSimpleModule, EasyPieChartComponent, SimpleChartComponent } from './easy-charts/index'; export { SBItemComponent, SBItemBodyComponent, SBItemHeadComponent, SqueezeBoxComponent, AccordionModule } from './accordion/index'; export { MdbStickyDirective, StickyContentModule } from './sticky-content/index'; export { SmoothscrollModule, PageScrollDirective, PageScrollConfig, PageScrollingViews, PageScrollInstance, PageScrollService, PageScrollTarget, PageScrollUtilService, EasingLogic } from './smoothscroll/index'; export { CharCounterDirective, CharCounterModule } from './inputs/index'; export { MDBFileDropDirective, MDBFileSelectDirective, FileInputModule, MDBUploaderService, UploadFile, UploadOutput, UploadInput, humanizeBytes } from './file-input/index'; export declare class MDBRootModulePro { } export declare class MDBBootstrapModulePro { static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders; }

this is mdb-pro.module.d.ts file, I couldn't find LightboxModule.

And I couldn't add LightboxModule in app.module.ts

Venky pro commented 6 years ago

I have updated my Pro to 7.4.1 and it is working fine. Thank you

Venky pro commented 6 years ago

export { LightBoxModule, ImageModalComponent } from './lightbox/index';

it is available in 7.4.1 not in 7.4.0

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: 7.4.1
  • Device: All
  • Browser: All
  • OS: All
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No