Holiday Notice: Support will be provided on a limited scale from December 24th, 2024, to January 2nd, 2025. Happy holidays and a wonderful New Year!

aganeto free asked 5 years ago

Is there a Live Chat where we can talk to someone in support ? I have my existing Angular project and bought MDB Angular Pro.

However it's been very hard to make the installation. First I got the folder from GitHub.

How to proceed from there ?

Damian Gemza staff answered 5 years ago

Dear aganeto,

Let me answer your question with the below order:

1) If you're having existing project without MDB Angular Pro, just install it using our Quickstart Guide - you have to switch the tab to Pro.

2) The ng-uikit-pro-standard-compile project is dedicated to the advanced users of MDB Angular Pro. This project is created to allow users to change some code in TypeScript, and recompile it back to JavaScript. You don't have to use it if you don't need to overwrite some of our TypeScript code.

3) As I said in the above point - The ng-uikit-pro-standard-compile is project in which you be able to overwrite some of our TS code, and compile it back to JS. The ng-uikit-pro-standard project is normal MDB Angular Pro dependency which you're installing throught npm install git+https command (see Quickstart Guide).

4) If you're having access to our GitLab server, you have to generate the access key to be able to install the MDB Angular Pro dependency in your project (again, see the Quickstart Guide).

Best Regards,


aganeto free answered 5 years ago

I am totally lost with this product. Here a couple of questions:

  1. What I was wondering was I had my existing project and I just had to npm install your Angular PRO package to work.

  2. Now seems I have to start from your project ( and then start creating my stuff. However if I run "npm install" and "ng serve" I just see the default Angular page, not documentation

  3. Also confused about MDB Angular PRO Standard Compile, MDB Angular PRO Standard, under GIT

  4. On manual installation - Step 3: For PRO version open package.json file and change REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TOKEN to your private gitlab access token in "ng-uikit-pro-standard" dependency path. I cant find REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_TOKEN and neither my gitlab access token

Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff answered 5 years ago


We provide support only on this forum, via e-mail or on github/gitlab. Did you follow steps from our installation guide (pro tab)?

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: 7.4.3
  • Device: Computer
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No