Topic: MDB Angular 4 v15 migrate app to angular 17
asked 5 months ago
I use MDB Angular 4 with Angular 15. I would like to upgrade application to Angular v17.
My package is:
"ng-uikit-pro-standard": "git+",
What is the way to migrate application to angular v17 with MDB?
I am aware of manual migration of components, but what package should I use and if I have mdb4, do I should have the latest mdb5?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards
Arkadiusz Idzikowski
answered 5 months ago
You should have access to the latest MDB5 Angular version. The MDB5 Angular package is called mdb-angular-ui-kit
We described installation and configuration process in this guide: Please let me know if you encounter any further problems with migration.
Aplitt free commented 5 months ago
I have to use mdb-angular-ui-kit
instead like now ng-uikit-pro-standard
Then I have to migrate all changed components from previous lib to actual from MDB5?
My orders show only MDB4-Angular-UI-KIT-Pro-Advanced-15.0.0. Should i have to see MDB5 kit in my orders?
I would like to upgrade angular to the latest version, but I need confirmation that I have support to all bought components in the latest MDB.
Aplitt free commented 5 months ago
I can't download lib. I don't see this project after authentication. Access denied. I have only MDB Angular PRO Standard, admin template pro and standard compile.
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff commented 5 months ago
To migrate to MDB5 you need to install mdb-angular-ui-kit
library and update syntax and imports for all the components and modules. You can find more information on how to use MDB5 components in our documentation:
We checked and updated your MDB orders. Can you access the MDB5 Angular packages now?
Aplitt free commented 5 months ago
Yes, I have access to MDB5 in my orders. However I don't see any new project in after sign in. I can't download mdb-angular-ui-kit
by git like previous versions. Till now I downloaded packages with access token and I could get specify version.
Should I have access to project in git.mdbootstrap?
The orders which I see in my orders: MDB5-STANDARD-UI-KIT-PRO-ADVANCED-8.0.0 and MDB5-ANGULAR-UI-KIT-PRO-ADVANCED-7.0.0
Aplitt free commented 4 months ago
Continuing the thread, I wanted to ask once again if a new project will be created on so that we can use mdb-angular-ui-kit in a similar way as with the previous version. For now, I’ve added the package of interest, MDB5-ANGULAR-UI-KIT-PRO-ADVANCED-7.0.0, to the project. Additionally, both of the new packages are for Angular version 18. It currently works on version 17, but could you provide packages specifically for version 17?
MDBootstrap staff commented 4 months ago
I have reached out to you via email to follow up on your GitLab access issues. For all the non-technical questions, please contact us via email on
Best regards,
Maja from MDB
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