Topic: MDB Pro Angular Pro Cards Components
asked 3 years ago
Expected behavior Expected upon purchase of MDB Pro Angular to have access to the PRO card features
Actual behavior Card is not a known export of the mdb-angular-ui-kit.
It appears that cards are in the free version. However, there are pro cards components.
I have completed the installation of the angular-ui-kit however there are no cards available.
Is the answer simply that the free version must be installed side-by-side with the paid version?
If so how is access gained to the pro version of the cards?
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
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- Premium support: Yes
- Technology: MDB Angular
- MDB Version: MDB5 1.2.0
- Device: Thinkpad X1 Extreme
- Browser: Edge
- OS: Windows 11
- Provided sample code: No
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theenterpriseprogrammer premium commented 3 years ago
To be clear all of the other components are working. I was later able to get some of the cards working. However I am unable to get the pro cards working even after purchasing the angular-ui-kit
theenterpriseprogrammer premium commented 3 years ago
closing this concern. I found that it works correctly if utilizing classes and not implementing the actually components.