Topic: MdbTabsComponent setActiveTab not working
tech pro asked 2 years ago
I am using angular mdbtabs with latest version 5.
I am generating the tabs using nfFor as the tabs are dynamic. The active tab is not set ever after i am setting on the ts file
ngOnInit(): void { = true
} ngAfterViewInit(): void { = true this.tabs.setActiveTab(1) }
noveltytech priority answered 5 months ago
Is this fixed? I still can't manually set the active tab. I am on Angular 17 MDB5 v6
Rafał Seifert free commented 5 months ago
Please refer to our API section in official docs. We have example for using setActiveTab method:
Arkadiusz Idzikowski staff answered 2 years ago
Please try to use this code as a workaround for now, we will take a closer look at that to check if we can change something in the component code to fix that:
ngAfterViewInit() {
Promise.resolve().then(() => {
Lumpenstein free commented 1 year ago
I am facing a similar bug when trying to set the last active tab index (read from localstorage). When the Tab component gets mounted it is triggering the onTabChange event with the index of the first tab, is there a way to prevent this? (a property like 'triggeredByUser' would suffice as well).
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