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Topic: navbar sticky-top/fixed top

junior5417 pro asked 6 years ago

Hi, I've tried both fixed-top and sticky-top. It works fine on desktop, but there are some padding/margin issue on mobile while scrolling. How do i fix this?
<mdb-navbar SideClass="navbar navbar-toggleable-md navbar-expand-lg double-nav fixed-top" [containerInside]="false">
Work fine when loaded initially.Issue appear when scrolling

Damian Gemza staff answered 6 years ago

Dear Junior5417, Please provide me with the full code which you're using and screenshots in better resolution. These images are small, and there's hard to see the problem. Best Regards, Damian

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB Angular
  • MDB Version: 6.2.2
  • Device: Mac
  • Browser: Chrome
  • OS: OSX
  • Provided sample code: Yes
  • Provided link: No