Topic: skin input colors
German Arutyunov
asked 6 years ago
Damian Gemza
answered 6 years ago
Dear German Arutyunov,
You have to add a new, custom skin into your styles.scss stylesheet, and override there a skin-accent variable's value from #fff to your desired HEX color.
Add below code to your styles.scss stylesheet:
$skins: () !default; $skins: map-merge(( "custom": ( "skin-primary-color": #fff, "skin-navbar": #fff, "skin-footer-color": #fff, "skin-accent": #000, "skin-flat": #fff, "skin-sidenav-item": #fff, "skin-sidenav-item-hover": #fff, "skin-gradient-start": #fff, "skin-gradient-end": #fff, "skin-mask-slight": #fff, "skin-mask-light": #fff, "skin-mask-strong": #fff, "skin-sn-child": #fff, "skin-btn-primary": #fff, "skin-btn-secondary": #fff, "skin-btn-default": #fff, "skin-text": #fff ) ), $skins); @import "~ng-uikit-pro-standard/assets/scss/mdb";
Then you have to copy img and font directories from node_modules/ng-uikit-pro-standard/assets directory to one level above styles.scss localization - propably root level of your application.
PS: Rembember to add class "custom-skin" to index.html body element.
Best Regards,
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