Topic: Disable Waves
jp1 pro asked 8 years ago
Bartłomiej Malanowski staff answered 8 years ago
Waves.attach('.btn, .btn-floating', ['waves-light']);
Waves.attach('.view .mask', ['waves-light']);
Waves.attach('.waves-light', ['waves-light']);
Waves.attach('.navbar-nav a, .nav-icons li a, .navbar form, .nav-tabs .nav-item', ['waves-light']);
Waves.attach('.navbar-brand', ['waves-light']);
Waves.attach('.pager li a', ['waves-light']);
Waves.attach('.pagination .page-item .page-link', ['waves-effect']);
Avinash Dv free commented 6 years ago
Disabled the lines above, that didn't worked wt else can we do to disable the waves effect especially on buttons.FREE CONSULTATION
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