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Topic: How to display collapse card below insted of in the right

Pablo Ambrosio Royo Rico free asked 5 years ago

@foreach($pokes as $pokemon) catched}}>

catched? 'checked' : ''}} >{{ " #$pokemon->id $pokemon->pokemon" }}

![{{ $pokemon->pokemon }}]({{ asset(config('filesystems.pokemonImageDir').$pokemon->image) }})

@if($forms && in_array($pokemon->id,$forms->pluck('pokemon_id')->toArray()))


@foreach($forms as $form) catched}}> @if($form->pokemon_id == $pokemon->id)

catched? 'checked' : ''}} >{{ " $form->formName form" }}

![{{ $pokemon->pokemon }}]({{ asset(config('filesystems.pokemonImageDir').$form->imageForm) }})

@endif @endforeach @endif @endforeach

Expected behavior

Hi I have the code above that puts the button ">>" into the right of my card deck, and I want the button and the collapsed card to appear below.How can I do that?... I have an image to show you, but the thing to upload the image says "connection has failed!"The @ in the HTML are from blade in Laravel, so I don't have to write PHP.The code put a lot of cards, with an image and a checkbox in them, when any are clicked it gets highlighted to be updated in the database. Also the cards that have some atributes, get a button that is a btn-link ">>" (that I want it to appear under the card, not next to it), then it make appears some collapsed cards, and this collapsed cards are appearing on the right and I can't make it appear under it.Can someone tell me how can I fix this? I already tried some things, but I'm completely new a this.

Bartłomiej Malanowski staff commented 5 years ago

From the code, you shared it's hard to recreate your issue. Could you please create a snippet here?

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: General Bootstrap questions
  • MDB Version: -
  • Device: Laptop
  • Browser: Mozilla
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No