Topic: Offline Lightbox workaround?

Mark Outermans pro asked 7 years ago

Hey there, I am actually using mdbootstrap to work on a website that should be accessible offline (on location). However I get an httprequest load error whenever using the lightbox. Is there any way to avoid it? I checked the code, when I upload it online it works perfectly fine. ( - lightbox is at the bottom). But as I said, I'm trying to get around having to use it online. Any help is appreciated. Kind regards, Mark

baybossgiant1 pro answered 7 years ago

Good day, Excellent, thank you for the indication and response. Very simple fix! Regards, David

Rafał Rogulski free answered 7 years ago

Hi, I found a solution for this error. .load() - function use AJAX wich is a little buggy in localhost environment. The solution is simple, use webserver like xampp or standalone apache server. Regards

baybossgiant1 pro answered 7 years ago

Having the same issue/error message, was this ever resolved?

Michal Szymanski staff answered 7 years ago

Hi, send it to me:

mafi020 free answered 7 years ago

I am also having the same problem. Mr. Mark, Can i mail you my code ???

Mark Outermans pro answered 7 years ago

Thanks Michal, I'll e-mail you the files soon. Mark

Michal Szymanski staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Mark, can you please send me all your files that I can look at it and identify a problem? my email:

Mark Outermans pro answered 7 years ago

Hi Michal, Thanks for your reply. I actually decided to change my design and instead of using a lightbox went with three cards that in turn link to a different page. So I've got a solution for now. But this was the error code that I got: jquery-2.2.3.min.js:4 XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///Users/Outermans/Desktop/Exploration-journeyman/Website/mdb-addons/mdb-lightbox-ui.html. Cross origin requests are only supported for protocol schemes: http, data, chrome, chrome-extension, https, chrome-extension-resource.send @ jquery-2.2.3.min.js:4 3mdb.min.js:7 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'firstChild' of undefined I attached a screenshot: And this is the code in my lightbox-test.html file:
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Any help is appreciated, thank you so far! Mark

Michal Szymanski staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Mark, I have tried to reproduce your error but everything seems to work fine for me even offline. Any more info about errors/bugs/warning which can help us identify a problem?

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