Topic: WYSIWYG Premium Plugin documentation
asked 6 years ago
Do you have documentation about this?
I've just bought the plugin and there are no guides for it?
How do I give certain users access to it?
How do they save their updates?
Bartłomiej Malanowski
answered 6 years ago
Here you can find docs for WYSIWYG plugin. I don't understand your two last questions. Could you please expand your thoughts?
Leviakhan pro commented 6 years ago
I can make changes to the text on screen but as soon as I move off the page the changes are not saved.
how are the changes to the text saved?
also I want to decide who can have access to the editor so they can change text on certain pages, or is it a case that everyone can change the text on a page?
Bartłomiej Malanowski staff commented 6 years ago
1) If you're leaving the page you should save the changes in your database. Otherwise, they'll be lost
2) Using your backend, you should see if the user's role allow editing the page. If yes, you should initialize the WYSIWYG plugin
Leviakhan pro commented 6 years ago
What database? What backend?
Leviakhan pro commented 6 years ago
There are no instructions for this plugin, the youtube video is for "table editor plugin" not the "WYSIWYG plugin"
How do I get a refund?
This is rediculous!
Leviakhan pro commented 6 years ago
There are no instructions for this plugin, the youtube video is for "table editor plugin" not the "WYSIWYG plugin"
How do I get a refund?
This is ridiculous!
Bartłomiej Malanowski staff commented 6 years ago
The "tutorial" section was a bug and this was removed. As you know the docs are available here:
Features that you want to achieve are exactly what I said. If you're making a website with WYSIWYG editor you must do something with the data that the users pass through it. If you want to limit WYSIWYG feature to the certain users only, you must do it via backend and save it to the database. What is your backend or database? I don't know - you didn't tell us. If you need more help, please provide us more details
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