Topic: Dropdown without default dropdown-menu class
KuebelElch15 pro asked 5 years ago
Hello, is it possible to use the dropdown without the default dropdown-menu class? I would like to use my own items without that styling for the a tags. I only would like to still use the triggering mechanism without appling the .dropdown-menu css class.
That dropdown isn't that nice if you want to use it for notifications. Do you have any other suggestions what I can use to build a notification dropdown that looks like facebooks or googles.
Thank you!
Marta Wierzbicka staff answered 5 years ago
so, would you create the snippet here: and present me a demo which shows what you want it to look like? I'll try to help you with modifying this code to achieve appearance and functionality you want.
Marta Wierzbicka staff answered 5 years ago
if you use MDB Gulp version, you can easily comment or remove these files from mdb.scss:
@import "free/dropdowns";
@import "pro/dropdowns";
KuebelElch15 pro commented 5 years ago
But I don't want to remove the styling. As a fact, I find it nice. I only want to remove the styling on that one dropdown.
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