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Topic: fixed scrolling navbar

Brandon Matthews free asked 6 years ago

.top-nav-collapse is not working on the MDB free version. I know that this class is added via JS, but maybe something is broken with the code. How do I fix this? html <!-- Main navigation --> <header> <!-- Navbar --> <navclass="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-dark fixed-top scrolling-navbar"> <divclass="container"> <aclass="navbar-brand"href="#"> <imgsrc="./assets/images-videos/circuit (1).png"> </a> <buttonclass="navbar-toggler"type="button"data-toggle="collapse"data-target="#navbarTogglerDemo02"aria-controls="#navbarTogglerDemo02" aria-expanded="false"aria-label="Toggle navigation"> <spanclass="navbar-toggler-icon"></span> </button> <divclass="collapse navbar-collapse"id="#navbarTogglerDemo02"> <ulclass="navbar-nav mr-auto smooth-scroll"> <liclass="nav-item"> <aclass="nav-link"href="#home">Home <spanclass="sr-only">(current)</span> </a> </li> <liclass="nav-item"> <aclass="nav-link"href="#about"data-offset="90">About</a> </li> <liclass="nav-item"> <aclass="nav-link"href="#portfolio"data-offset="90">Projects</a> </li> <liclass="nav-item"> <aclass="nav-link"href="#contact"data-offset="90">Contact</a> </li> </ul> <!-- Social Icon --> <ulclass="navbar-nav nav-flex-icons"> <liclass="nav-item"> <aclass="nav-link"> <iclass="fa fa-linkedin white-text"></i> </a> </li> <liclass="nav-item"> <aclass="nav-link"> <iclass="fa fa-github white-text"></i> </a> </li> <liclass="nav-item"> <aclass="nav-link"> <iclass="fa fa-facebook white-text"></i> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </nav> <!-- Navbar --> <!-- Full Page Intro --> <divclass="view"> <videoclass="video-intro"poster=""playsinlineautoplaymutedloop> <sourcesrc="./assets/images-videos/powerful-energy-core_zk1z_tzzs__D.mp4"type="video/mp4"> </video> <!-- Mask & flexbox options--> <divclass="mask rgba-gradient d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center"> <!-- Content --> <divclass="container px-md-3 px-sm-0"> <!--Grid row--> <divclass="row wow fadeIn"> <!--Grid column--> <divclass="col-md-12 mb-4 white-text text-center main-heading"> <h3class="display-3 mb-0 pt-md-5 pt-5 wow slideInRight">Brandon <aclass="amber-text"> Matthews</a> </h3> <hrclass="hr-light my-4 w-75"> <h4class="subtext-header mt-2 mb-4 wow slideInLeft">Designer | Developer | Diligent.</h4> <ahref="#!"class="btn btn-lg btn-rounded btn-outline-amber waves-effect white-text wow slideInUp"> View Projects </a> </div> <!--Grid column--> </div> <!--Grid row--> </div> <!-- Content --> </div> <!-- Mask & flexbox options--> </div> <!-- Full Page Intro --> </header> css /* Required for full background image */ html, body, header, .view { height: 100%; } @media (max-width: 740px) { html, body, header, .view { height: 100vh; } } .top-nav-collapse { background-color: black!important; } .navbar:not(.top-nav-collapse) { background: transparent!important; } @media (max-width: 768px) { .navbar:not(.top-nav-collapse) { background: black!important; } } @media (min-width: 800px) and (max-width: 850px) { .navbar:not(.top-nav-collapse) { background: black!important; } } .rgba-gradient { background: -moz-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(213, 15, 61, 0.6), rgba(13, 17, 198, 0.69) 100%); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, rgba(213, 15, 61, 0.6), rgba(13, 17, 198, 0.69) 100%); background: linear-gradient(to45deg, rgba(213, 15, 61, 0.6), rgba(13, 17, 198, 0.69) 100%); }

Josip Tomašev priority commented 6 years ago

Hi Brandon, As you can see on freebies pages, eg. link, fixed scroling navbar work fine with free version of MDB. Something else in your source is wrong, but editor messed up this what you posted so I can't see what's wrong. Greetings, Josip

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB jQuery
  • MDB Version: -
  • Device: -
  • Browser: -
  • OS: -
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No