Topic: Material Select IE11

staehla pro asked 6 years ago

Dear Support-Team I recognized that in the versions 4.5.9 + 4.5.10 the material select function isn't working properly anymore in the IE11. At version 4.5.9 the debugger throws the following error from "mdb.min.js" when a selection is made: {var t=new KeyboardEvent("change",{bubbles:!0,cancelable:!0});  Not Supported!" At version 4.5.10: Only the text inside the tag <label></label> is shown but no select field. (strange is that on your page it shows the select field but also throws then the same error as mentioned above when a selection is made) Is there a way how  i could temporary solve that problem or do you recommend to stay with version 4.5.8 if IE11 is required? Thank you in advance Best regards Marco

Piotr Glejzer staff answered 6 years ago

Hi, as you can read in our official statement of supported browsers and devices, we do not support IE. Link about IE That means, most of the things will work, but some of them will not (like components based on flexbox etc.). That's nothing we can do about it because IE is so outdated. There is no ETA for this bug. We'are sorry, but we have much more important things to deliver than support for old, outdated browser which is hardly used by anyone. Best, Piotr

root-nine priority commented 6 years ago

I would appreciate it a lot if you support IE11 at least in some base functionality. In my opinion the material select is an important component in your framework and IE11 is still there, especially in companies where there are restriction and policies that force the users to stay with the outdated browsers (like my current customer) I will switch back to 4.5.8 but I hope I won´t stuck with this version because I´d like to receive your updates and improvements - but a "basic" IE11 support is essentially for my projects. Hopefully... :)

staehla pro commented 6 years ago

Hi Piotr Thank you for your answer. The reason why i still using ie11 is the indeed the case which root-nine mentioned. So, i probably will stay with version 4.5.8 unless i can convince our admin to provide an alternate browser ;) Best regards Marco

root-nine priority commented 6 years ago

Hi all, I will give this polyfill a try. Seems to work so far. Best regards

scottwilliams priority commented 5 years ago

IE11 is alive until 2025 and there are quite a few companies and government agencies that only allow IE11 use. Our company has 23% of our customer base who still use IE11 and to expect them to upgrade their browsers when their GSO may not allow it is problematic. At the very least MDB should provide a link to the 4.5.8 library so we can fallback since we obviously have to.

Piotr Glejzer staff commented 5 years ago


as you can read in our official statement of supported browsers and devices, we do not support IE.

We are doing our best to ensure compatibility with older browsers, however due to technical limitations, it's not always possible. IE11 is almost 6 years old and doesn't support many crucial features like flexbox.

If we decided to fully support old browsers, we would neglect the development and improvement of our products



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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB jQuery
  • MDB Version: 4.5.9
  • Device: Notebook
  • Browser: IE11
  • OS: WIN7
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No