Topic: Mdb-lightbox does not work at all.
asked 6 years ago
Good day.
I own MDB-Pro_4.5.15 and MDB-Blog-Templates-Pack_4.5.15.
I have a question about correctly displaying the mdb-lightbox gallery.
After unpacking these files and opening html pages, I expect the correct display.
Mdb-lightbox does not work at all.
Error mdb.min.js, line 1, character 306999.
I quote the error:
"Can not get the firstChild property of an undefined link or a null reference".
Please help!
Thank you in advance for Robo
Dobrý deň.
Vlastním MDB-Pro_4.5.15 a MDB-Blog-Templates-Pack_4.5.15.
Mám otázku na správne zobrazenie galérie mdb-lightbox.
Po rozbalení uvedených súborov a otvorení html stránok, predpokladám správne zobrazovanie.
Galéria mdb-lightbox vôbec nepracuje.
Chyba mdb.min.js, riadok 1, znak 306999.
Citujem chybu:
"Nemožno získať vlastnosť firstChild nedefinovaného odkazu alebo odkazu s hodnotou null".
Prosím o pomoc!
Vopred ďakujem Robo
answered 6 years ago
Good day.
I assumed that after unpacking the file and opening page MDB-Pro_4.5.1 5 / templates / about-us.html gallery ightbox will work properly.
Did not help or modify the path in code:
< script >
new WOW (). init ();
// MDB Lightbox init
$ ( function ()
$ ("# mdb-lightbox-ui") load (" ../ mdb-addons / mdb-lightbox-ui.html");
</ script >
If I move the page to MDB-Pro_4.5.1 5 / about-us.html and I will modify my paths to file. css a. js , everything works correctly.
Why this question?
I want to make a MDB template for Pulse CMS.
Pulse CMS uses links to extensions such as: {{ mdb-lightbox: galleriname }}.
Extensions are outside the root directory, for example:
"../ inc / tags / mdb-lightbox.php "
and the link to mdb-lightbox-ui.html will be in the following ingredient:
"../ inc / tags / mdb-addons /mdb-lightbox-ui.html".
I want to know how where to edit the link to "mdb-lightbox-ui.html"
and why the link "$ (" # mdb-lightbox-ui ") load (" ../ mdb-addons / mdb-lightbox-ui.html "
does not work properly.
well thank you
Bartłomiej Malanowski staff commented 6 years ago
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