Topic: multiselect compability problems in IE11
asked 6 years ago
Dear support,
as far I know you officially don't support IE11 browser. But many corporate users (my company as well) have IE11 as a standard and it could take long time, all users will get Edge or Chrome.
That's why it wozld be helpfull if multiselect wouuld have full functionality in IE11 too. Main Problem: search is not working Error appears on every character entering in search field: SCRIPT438: Das Objekt unterstützt die Eigenschaft oder Methode "includes" nicht mdb.min.js (1,268823) it doesnt help to change (in mdb.js):
// to fix problem with IE11
// if (liValue.includes(searchValue.toLowerCase())) {
if (liValue.indexOf(searchValue.toLowerCase())) {
Second: selection is working, but I have errors in the console on every click on any option I have error:
Das Objekt unterstützt diese Aktion nicht.
mdb.min.js (1,264499)
Please try us to improve this behavior, espeacially search. Thanks
answered 6 years ago
Hi, my question was about your reaction times for premium users. There are some other topics, which are not closed and I am waiting your support:
Piotr Glejzer
answered 6 years ago
it's hard to say that but we don't support IE11 as we said before and we will not do that in the future. We gave up to support IE11 because this is an old, backward browser which not supports many basic properties as you said with search filed or even flexbox method in 100%
where there is a standard for 2019 Your error said that IE11 doesn't support find() method.
answered 6 years ago
Dear support,
last time it was answered something to my open topics about 4 weeks ago. How it could be, if you promise premium support? Regards
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- ForumUser: Free
- Premium support: No
- Technology: MDB jQuery
- MDB Version: 4.6.1
- Device: Desktop
- Browser: IE 11, Chrome
- OS: Windows 10
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No