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Topic: Panels not rendering correctly

darren501 pro asked 4 years ago

Good Day,

The panels are not rendering correctly. For example, these panels with a transparent background are not rendering as they should.

 <div class="card border-primary mb-3" style="max-width: 20rem;">
  <div class="card-header">Header</div>
  <div class="card-body text-primary">
    <h5 class="card-title">Primary Panel title</h5>
    <p class="card-text">Some quick example text to build on the panel title and make up the bulk of the panel's content.</p>

This code above is directly from this website. However, it's rendering with a blue top header and not a transparent header. I'm currently using the latest MDB pro 4.15.0 version.

Please advise



Mateusz Łubianka staff commented 4 years ago

Hi @darren501,

The panel from the example is displayed differently than in the documentation?


darren501 pro commented 4 years ago

Yes it is. This code is taken from I'm currently using the latest version of MDB Pro

darren501 pro answered 4 years ago

This is a correction to the last post. The issue with the grey blank screen still appears even though I have downgraded MDB Pro to 4.12.0 . This issue based on what I have observed (I could be wrong) appears to be linked to the 'sidenav' The photo below is taken from your site.

enter image description here

My site is using a similar sidebar (sn-bg-4) but it changes color just like your site when I refresh the page than reverts to what it suppose to show. And sometimes that grey body you see in the photo is what appears instead of the content being loaded.



Mateusz Łubianka staff commented 4 years ago


Have you got any custom css styles which can affect the display of panels?


darren501 pro answered 4 years ago

This is how it appears when rendered....

enter image description here In addition to this I have question regarding the new update. It would appear that sometimes when I refresh my page I'm getting a sort of grey blank screen. This never happened before and only begun when I updated to the new version of MDB Pro( 4.15.0). So as of today I've decided to revert back to a previous version of MDB Pro ( 4.12.0) and it would appear that that problem no longer exists. I was wondering if you could investigate this issue as well...since it appears to be a problem with the core sections of the CSS code.



Mateusz Łubianka staff answered 4 years ago


This is screen from docs: enter image description here

This is from MDB 4.15.0 package: enter image description here

Could you show how it looks like in your case?


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Pro
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB jQuery
  • MDB Version: 4.15.0
  • Device: Laptop
  • Browser: Google Chrome
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No