Topic: Table sort not working.
RoopOrem free asked 5 years ago
Expected behavior I want to add table sort feature. Like this example link ( )
Actual behavior I have tried downloading the Github package and added html, css and jquery in index.html file. But getting this error that $().DataTable is not a function. ( ) after that tried the same using cdn links and getting same error. ( )
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.) Used these live links.
I have used below code to make this working. Please check this live link. ( )
used this javsacript to sort my table:
$(document).ready(function () { $('#dtBasicExample').DataTable(); $('.dataTables_length').addClass('bs-select'); });
RoopOrem free answered 5 years ago
Mateusz Łubianka staff answered 5 years ago
Hi @RoopOrem,
Did you include these files?
<link href="css/addons/datatables.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/addons/datatables.min.js"></script>
I tried it in MDB Free project and it works.
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