Topic: Viewing legacy docs "show code" not working
Chris Tagliaferro
asked 8 months ago
Expected behavior After logging into site should be able to view legacy docs Actual behavior wont let me see code Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.) Are there any local versions of the docs i can download?
answered 6 months ago
Hi, I am sorry for miss information, that is my mistake. Jquery documentation has been moved to legacy docs. You can view it here.
Also here is an instruction how to access it through our website
If you have any further questions or need assistance with accessing specific content, please let us know.
Best regards,
answered 8 months ago
Hi, it is caused beacuse you don't have an active subscription. Without an active subscription you loose access to: - git repositories - npm installation option - premium support - premium code snippets examples on our snippet platform - premium components documentation examples - new updates of the package - LAB & snippets platform
dominic_ks premium commented 7 months ago
So are you saying we need a subscription to the new products in order to access the docs for the old products?
Rafał Radziszewski free commented 7 months ago
Hi Dominic,
Yes, that is correct. You need an active subscription to access the documentation for both new and old products. The access to all premium content, including legacy documentation and code snippets, is tied to the duration of your active subscription. Without an active subscription, you will lose access to these resources.
If you have any further questions or need assistance with renewing your subscription, please let us know.
Best regards, Rafał
Chris Tagliaferro pro commented 6 months ago
Did this change? I have never had a subscription, I bought the legacy jquery bundle outright a few years ago and have always been able to view documentation. That is awful that I can't even view documentation for a product I paid for. And the fact that there isn't a local version I can view is ridiculous.
Chris Tagliaferro pro commented 6 months ago
I also see you sale running now about a lifetime bundle. This was basically what I had bought years ago and was under the assumption that lifetime access actually meant lifetime. This is very misleading and I am extremely disappointed that I can't view legacy documentation. That doesn't even make sense.
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