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DigitalFlux premium asked 5 years ago

Hi there, I've purchased your WYSIWYG Editor for Jquery and have implemented it, but during testing I noticed a delay in the reaction time from clicking the buttons in the action bar. On investigation there is a similar delay on your example page online. As it

Please advise if there is a fix for this or if I need to request my money back?

Expected behavior Click "B" - instantly becomes active or inactive

Actual behavior Nothing happens then a while later it becomes active

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

DigitalFlux premium answered 5 years ago

I apologise if my tone came across as a bit abrupt. You are correct I should have tested the plugin before purchasing, however we bought your full react suite and made an assumption that our experience would be the same for jquery as we've had not issues with the react suite.

Please could you view the video of my experience of your wysiwig online within your demo? It's doing the same thing in my website. First prize would be if you could tell me how to fix the issue.

MDBootstrap staff commented 5 years ago

Hi DigitalFlux,

Thank you for the video. I tested your issue and I found out that this is the problem with only the 'B' button in the menu. Thank you for finding this problem! I forwarded this information as an issue with this component to be fixed in the future.

To fix this problem you would have to stop propagation on click on this misbehaving button, prepare your own event listener that will help style your text. Right now I think this is the solution that can solve this issue locally in your development but to fix the package we will need some time to find the right solution.

Best Regards, Piotr

MDBootstrap staff answered 5 years ago

Hi DigitalFlux, I honestly can not notice the delay between clicking the B in the action bar and receiving respons from the editor. The process of editing the text works flawlessly in my environment. Please click on the icon, click on the editor and type. I can not notice the delay this way.

Does it happen when you use the incognito mode in chrome?

I am not a lawyer but You threatened that you will request your money back and in the same post, you said that the live demo of the product has exactly the same behaviour like the product you bought.

Don't forget that I just want to help you. Best Regards, Piotr

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Premium
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB jQuery
  • MDB Version: 4.8.10
  • Device: Macbook Pro
  • Browser: Chrome, Firefox
  • OS: IOS
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No