Topic: 3d Carousel Help

jlstory free asked 3 years ago

My situation: Console CSS JS

*_Expected behavior_*I hoped that the carousel would function and display correctly out of the box.

*_Actual behavior_*I have added the JS, CSS, and HTML from the add-ons folder to the mdb files respectively. The carousel does not display correctly, and it does not function.

I'm new to to design/development, mob in particular, and I'm sure that I'm just missing something, but I was expecting that the carousel would function out of the box. I've added a few classes from bootstrap's original carousel with no improvement

*Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)*Snippet:

HTML --> 3D Carousel Slide.jpg) Slide.jpg) Slide.jpg) Slide.jpg) Slide.jpg) Slide.jpg) Slide.jpg) Slide.jpg) Slide.jpg) CSS -->/* CSS Document */

.carousel-3d-body { overflow-x: hidden; }

.carousel-3d { position: relative; width: 60%; height: 400px; margin: 80px auto; -webkit-perspective: 1000px; perspective: 1000px; } .carousel-3d .carousel-3d-inner { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; -webkit-transform: translateZ(-288px); transform: translateZ(-288px); -webkit-transform-style: preserve-3d; transform-style: preserve-3d; -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 1s; transition: -webkit-transform 1s; -o-transition: transform 1s; transition: transform 1s; transition: transform 1s, -webkit-transform 1s; } .carousel-3d .carousel-3d-item { position: absolute; width: 190px; height: 120px; -webkit-transition: opacity 1s, -webkit-transform 1s; transition: opacity 1s, -webkit-transform 1s; -o-transition: transform 1s, opacity 1s; transition: transform 1s, opacity 1s; transition: transform 1s, opacity 1s, -webkit-transform 1s; } .carousel-3d .carousel-3d-item img { width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; -o-object-fit: cover !important; object-fit: cover !important; } .carousel-3d .carousel-3d-controls { position: absolute; left: 0; top: -80px; width: 100%; height: 100%; text-align: center; } .carousel-3d .carousel-3d-controls a { width: 30px; height: 30px; text-align: center; font-size: 26px; }

@media (max-width: 768px) { .carousel-3d { -webkit-perspective: 200px; perspective: 200px; } .carousel-3d .carousel-3d-item { position: absolute; width: 95px; height: 60px; -webkit-transition: opacity 1s, -webkit-transform 1s; transition: opacity 1s, -webkit-transform 1s; -o-transition: transform 1s, opacity 1s; transition: transform 1s, opacity 1s; transition: transform 1s, opacity 1s, -webkit-transform 1s; }

JS -->

/* mdbCarousel 3d */(function ($) {

$.fn.mdbCarousel3d = function(options) { let settings = $.extend({ < /* my text editor indicates an error here, I do not understand JS */ vertical: false, interval: 5000, autoplay: true }, options);

let $carousel = $(this);
let $carouselInner = $(this).find('.carousel-3d-inner');
let $items = $carouselInner.find('.carousel-3d-item');
let cellCount = $items.length;
let selectedIndex = 0;
let rotateFn = settings.vertical ? 'rotateX' : 'rotateY';
let radius, theta;

function rotateCarousel() {
  let angle = theta * selectedIndex * -1;
  $carouselInner.css({'transform': 'translateZ(' + -radius + 'px) ' + 
    rotateFn + '(' + angle + 'deg)'});

let $prevButton = $(this).find('.prev-btn');
$prevButton.on('click', function() {
  if (settings.autoplay) autoRotate = setInterval(next,settings.interval);

let $nextButton = $(this).find('.next-btn');
$nextButton.on('click', function() {
  if (settings.autoplay) autoRotate = setInterval(next,settings.interval);

function next() {


function changeCarousel() {
  theta = 360 / cellCount;
  let cellWidth = $carouselInner.outerWidth();
  let cellHeight = $carouselInner.outerHeight();
  let cellSize = settings.vertical ? cellHeight : cellWidth;
  radius = Math.round( ( cellSize / 2) / Math.tan( Math.PI / cellCount ) );
  for ( let i=0; i < $items.length; i++ ) {
    let cell = $items[i];
    if ( i < cellCount ) {
      // visible cell = 1;
      let cellAngle = theta * i; = rotateFn + '(' + cellAngle + 'deg) translateZ(' + radius + 'px)';
    } else {
      // hidden cell = 0; = 'none';

function setCarousel() {
  rotateFn = settings.vertical ? 'rotateX' : 'rotateY';
  let carouselHeight = $carousel.outerHeight();
  let carouselWidth = $carousel.outerWidth();
  $items.css({'height': carouselHeight - 50});
  $items.css({'width': carouselWidth - 50});

// set initials

let autoRotate;
if (settings.autoplay) autoRotate = setInterval(next,settings.interval);



$('.navbar-collapse a').click(function(){ $(".navbar-collapse").collapse('hide');});


Marcin Luczak staff commented 3 years ago


Please fix your snippet link. Right now it is redirecting to 404. Maybe you haven't clicked 'Publish".

Regards, Marcin

jlstory free commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I've published and relinked the snippet. Thanks!

Marcin Luczak staff answered 3 years ago


You've mentioned that you copied files from the addon directory to your mdb files directory. Please make sure all files (scss, css, js) were copied and imported correctly. You've imported mdb-carousel-3d.scss file into your mdb.prop.scss file. Also, you have to import css files inside your <head> tag, e.g.:

<link href="../css/addons/mdb-carousel-3d.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

and javascript files at the end of the <body> tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/addons/mdb-carousel-3d.min.js"></script>

Having all set up you can now start using carousel inside your project directory, just like inside the snippet I've created for you:

Best regards, Marcin

jlstory free commented 3 years ago

Well, this may be the problem... I didn't receive any .scss files, only .css and .js?

Marcin Luczak staff commented 3 years ago

In that case, copying CSS and JS files into its respective folders and importing them inside your HTML file should be working as well. I've just recreated this locally and it works fine. Have you imported files correctly? Does the console log for your webpage shows any errors?

Regards, Marcin

jlstory free commented 3 years ago

I've updated my post to include console errors and linked stylesheets/JS. I'm still getting the same result, just a small picture with non-functioning carousel controls

jlstory free commented 3 years ago

Hey Marcin, please disregard! It works! I failed to add the additional script (not the file, but the code from the snippet). I don't really know JS, and I tried to place it in the import file, moved it to index and... fixed!

Thank you so much for your help! I apologize, I'm sure that my skill level is probably frustrating... but we all start somewhere, eh?

Marcin Luczak staff commented 3 years ago

Your welcome jlstory, we are here to help you with our products.

Regards, Marcin

jlstory free answered 3 years ago

Sorry, I've published and relinked the snippet. Thanks!

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: Other
  • MDB Version: -
  • Device: MacBook Pro
  • Browser: Any
  • OS: Catalina
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes