Topic: Could you add 'About You' on all support forum pages

Chris Sweeney premium asked 6 years ago


I find it very difficult to find my own threads - unless I'm responding to one I've previously made or, as now, adding a new question.

about you boxThe 'about you' section, which shows the number of your questions, answers etc - and importantly, has links to the appropriate pages - is not displayed when just browsing the forum.

When in 'my profile' area, the 'about you' section IS displayed - but there are no links to the relevant pages.

Consequently, I asked a question a month ago and couldn't find it!

So, could this please be added to the main support page, perhaps below 'top contributors' (of course, it would only display when a member is logged in).



Thank you for a great idea! That's the something we'll definitely look at closer!

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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  • ForumUser: Premium
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: Other
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  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No