Topic: How to make auto height/witdh for Pie chart ?
GuillaumeDgr premium asked 3 years ago
Expected behavior Pie chart to respect column width (and center inside).
Actual behavior I'm forced to put static height/width and pie chart is not properly centered inside his columns parent. If not, pie charts are too big. How to make them fit column width pls ? I did not find the solution in docs. Thanks
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<mdb-row class="justify-content-center align-items-center">
<mdb-col col="4">
<p class="text-secondary"><strong>Data A</strong></p>
class="m0 p-0"
<mdb-btn @click="goToA" outline="primary" size="sm"
>Voir plus</mdb-btn
<mdb-col col="4">
<p class="text-secondary"><strong>Data B</strong></p>
class="m0 p-0"
<mdb-btn @click="goToB" outline="primary" size="sm"
>Voir plus</mdb-btn
<mdb-col col="4">
<p class="text-secondary"><strong>Data C</strong></p>
class="m0 p-0"
<mdb-btn @click="goToC" outline="primary" size="sm"
>Voir plus</mdb-btn
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Mikołaj Smoleński staff commented 3 years ago
Did You try changing
key value totrue
?Keep coding, Mikołaj from MDB