Topic: MDBCalendar date formats

EXPERTiCO free asked 2 years ago


How can I customize date formats in Calendar plugin?

I mean:

  1. Date mask in date picker (I want to dynamicaly set it from user settings)
  2. First day of datepicker in new event creation form (also from user settings)

And one more question:

How can I retrieve selected date period? I want to load events dynamicaly from api when Calendar opens or user changes selected period of calendar?

Thank you

Mikołaj Smoleński staff commented 2 years ago

There is an event viewChange that You could observe and handle changes. It returns target view. Also there are events for prev, next and today events. To retrieve selected date period you will just need to observe those events.

Regarding date mask, unfortunately you will have to make changes in the source code to add such option.

Keep coding,  Mikołaj from MDB

aztecadmin priority commented 2 years ago

Can you expand on the target view that contains the dates? I've been looking for the last day in the target event and I am not seeing the date period used to generate the calendar

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  • Technology: MDB Vue
  • MDB Version: MDB5 1.12.0
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