Wordpress configuration:
MDB GO allows you to create a WordPress page with a single click. Regardless whether you want to create a Travel Blog or an E-commerce shop to sell your product you can easily do that. You can even combine both into single page.
Although this is not mandatory we strongly encourage you to setup your local WordPress instance. If you don't know how to that we have prepared for you separate tutorial.
Assuming that you have your WordPress installed locally navigate to
and run the following command:
This will show you list of available starters. Choose from the list either
MDB starter
or Empty starter
. Empty starter is an empty
boilerplate without any libraries while MDB starter includes MDB starter and allows you to
use one of the thousands
MDB5 components.
Once your theme is ready you can publish it to web using the following command:
CLI will ask you about your project name and email. After that MDB GO will create and configure for you everything - database, wordpress, configuration and theme. You will be shown your admin login and password.
Note: Remember to store your username and password. This is the only time when they are displayed. If you want to change your password login to your WordPress instance and edit profile.