Topic: Autocompleter control
asked 6 years ago
Hey Guys,
Is there a plan to change autocompleter to be a custom form control? Would be nice if it was.
Damian Gemza
answered 6 years ago
Dear Tano,
I don't know what you want to achieve.
The new mdb-auto-completer
component is designed to allow users to modify it as much as they want.
So in the new autocompleter, there's no input element in internal mdb-auto-completer
code, because this component is only a dropdown, and nothing else.
The input element you're defining on your own in your template, so you can make it as much custom control as you want.
Best Regards,
tano pro commented 6 years ago
Dear Damian,
I just wanted to know if you have a plan to create a custom form control, because this way i have to add a wrapper for this. Since I have more autocompleter I have to add similar logic. I understand yout point of view, i have to create my own wrapper to work like a other form controls to reduce code repeatation. The url, templates and the orthers can be inputs for this. I've just asked it, because i have to change some logic in it, because there are some errors in the current version, I reported before. For example i look for objects not text, so the result is an id, the displayed is a label just like in simple dropdowns, but if I choose with mouse displays [objevt object], with keyboard works as expected. So, the point is that I'll create my on wrapper around it.
Damian Gemza staff commented 6 years ago
That's not in our plans for now, but I'll add this to our nice-to-have list, and we'll think about implementing such feature in the future.
Could you please explain one more time, about which custom control you're talking about? CustomControlValueAccesor?
tano pro commented 6 years ago
Yep, I thought of ControlValueAccessor. So it should be working as a dynamic dropdown.
Thank you
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