Topic: How to use mdbootstrap lite ?
asked 5 years ago
I install mdbootstrap with npm install mdbootstrap in my laravel project.
In my layout -> head , how i can add stylesheet ?
I used this :
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
I have a mdbootstrap but i can't/don't know change CSS of buttons ect..
Any help ? :)
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Specification of the issue
- ForumUser: Free
- Premium support: No
- Technology: General Bootstrap questions
- MDB Version: -
- Device: 4
- Browser: firefox
- OS: ubuntu
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No
Bartłomiej Malanowski staff commented 5 years ago
What have you tried so far? You should be able to attach the CSS file to your section.
Maxence free commented 5 years ago
I add in resources/sass/app.scss : @import '~mdbootstrap/css/mdb.min.css';
Now i have a css but i can't add 'JS' in resources/js/app.js
Bartłomiej Malanowski staff commented 5 years ago
what's the problem? how to reproduce your issue?