Topic: set label that value has already taken.
Paul Kim (Little Tiger)
asked 7 years ago
Paul Kim (Little Tiger)
answered 7 years ago
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<label for="id_wage">Wage</label>
Jakub Strebeyko staff commented 7 years ago
Hi there, Let me repeat: what makes the label "retreat" back is MDB JS file – can you ensure that it is included in your HTML file correctly? Best, Kuba
Jakub Strebeyko
answered 7 years ago
event) grands label the .active
state. Of course, you can ensure it happens by itself! The best solution seems to be dependent on the way you currently fill up the inputs, as this way does not include said focus
-isng. Please elaborate or, better, provide your code on Codepen or JSfiddle so we can collaborate, figure the issue out together.
With Best Regards,
Paul Kim (Little Tiger) priority commented 7 years ago
there is not much difficult code in there just same as input statement with value in it. like this <pre>Start your code here</pre> <input class="form-control" type="text" name="business_name" id="id_business_name" maxlength="128" required="" value="R&J Construction"> <label for="id_business_name">Business name</label>Jakub Strebeyko staff commented 7 years ago
Hi Paul, The reason why I did ask for your code is that copying the above snippet (within the <code><form class="md-form">...</code> wrapper) into a MDB-embedded project does render correctly, at least on Chrome Version 64.0.3282.140 (Official Build). What makes the label "retreat" back is MDB JS file - can you ensure that it is included in your HTML file correctly? With Best Regards, KubaFREE CONSULTATION
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