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Topic: MDBReact 4.22.0+ datatables broke

Donzen free asked 5 years ago

Expected behavior (The black bars are put in with paint, normally it's a string)4.20.0:Behavior with 4.20.0

Actual behavior

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.) I wanted to update to the lastest version, but ever since the changes in 4.22.0 it broke most of my tables. The 0 looks odd and most rows are just completely missing. I wanted to update, because in 4.20.0 sorting doesn't work properly.

Object (influencers):

Influencer: "string",
Stories: null,
Posts: null,
Likes: 0,
Comments: 0,
Details: "string"


    rows: => ({
      influencer: row.influencer,
      stories: row.stories ? row.stories: 0,
      posts: row.posts? row.posts: 0,
      likes: row.likes,
      comments: row.comments,
      details: (
            "/page/" +
            window.location.pathname.split("/")[2] +
            "/" +
          <MDBIcon icon="search-plus" />
  order={["likes", "desc"]}


const data = {
  columns: [
      label: "Influencer",
      field: "influencer"
      label: "Stories",
      field: "stories "
      label: "Posts",
      field: "posts"
      label: "Likes",
      field: "likes"
      label: "Comments",
      field: "comments"
      label: "Details",
      field: "details",
      sort: "disabled"
  rows: selectedEvent as Definitions.Event

Piotr Glejzer staff commented 5 years ago

hi, did you check our latest for new updates? Do you have more code to show? Best,Piotr

Donzen free commented 5 years ago

Hi Piotr, I did check for the new update. Sorting wasn't working correctly in the older version, which is why I wanted to update to the newer version. The newer version however is not usable as described in the post. I editted my post with code.

Piotr Glejzer staff commented 5 years ago

Can you show me an object what you are putting to data prop? It can be fake dates. Best,Piotr

Donzen free commented 5 years ago

I added the data prop to the post

Piotr Glejzer staff commented 5 years ago


thanks for the report again. I will check this problem and try to fix this. I will let you know about that. Sorry about that bug. Have a nice day.

Best regards, Piotr

Donzen free commented 5 years ago

Appreciate you looking into this, thank you for your time!

Piotr Glejzer staff commented 5 years ago

What is a selectedEvent as Definitions.Event?

Donzen free commented 5 years ago

selectedEvent is an object that always contains the influencers array. The influencers array has objects as described above in my post.

Piotr Glejzer staff commented 5 years ago

thanks for the description. We have a bug about that problem in our source code. We will fix this in the next release. Thanks.

Konrad Stępień staff answered 5 years ago

Hi @Donzen,

I did make a similar data table like yours and everything works correctly for me. Can you make a snippet for version 4.20.0 your datatable? I will try to help you.

enter image description here

It is my snippet:

import React from "react";
import {
} from "mdbreact";

const DatatablePage = () => {
  function testClickEvent(param) {

  const data = () => ({
    columns: [
        label: "Name",
        field: "name",
        width: 150,
        attributes: {
          "aria-controls": "DataTable",
          "aria-label": "Name"
        label: "Position",
        field: "position",
        width: 270
        label: "Office",
        field: "office",
        width: 200
        label: "Age",
        field: "age",
        sort: "asc",
        width: 100
        label: "Start date",
        field: "date",
        sort: "disabled",
        width: 150
        label: "Salary",
        field: "salary",
        sort: "disabled",
        width: 100
    rows: [
        name: "Tiger Nixon",
        position: "System Architect",
        office: "Edinburgh",
        age: "61",
        date: "2011/04/25",
        salary: "$320",
        clickEvent: () => testClickEvent(1)
        name: "Garrett Winters",
        position: "Accountant",
        office: "Tokyo",
        age: "63",
        date: "2011/07/25",
        salary: "$170"
        name: "Ashton Cox",
        position: "Junior Technical Author",
        office: "San Francisco",
        age: "66",
        date: "2009/01/12",
        salary: "$86"
        name: "Cedric Kelly",
        position: "Senior Javascript Developer",
        office: "Edinburgh",
        age: "22",
        date: "2012/03/29",
        salary: "$433"
        name: "Airi Satou",
        position: "Accountant",
        office: "Tokyo",
        age: "33",
        date: "2008/11/28",
        salary: "$162"
        name: "Brielle Williamson",
        position: "Integration Specialist",
        office: "New York",
        age: "61",
        date: "2012/12/02",
        salary: "$372"
        name: "Herrod Chandler",
        position: "Sales Assistant",
        office: "San Francisco",
        age: "59",
        date: "2012/08/06",
        salary: "$137"
        name: "Rhona Davidson",
        position: "Integration Specialist",
        office: "Tokyo",
        age: "55",
        date: "2010/10/14",
        salary: "$327"

  const componentData = {
    columns: [
        label: "ID",
        sort: "disabled",
        field: "component"
    rows: [, order) => ({
        component: (
              "/page/" +
              window.location.pathname.split("/")[2] +
              "/" +
            <MDBIcon icon="search-plus" />

  return (
    <MDBContainer className="mt-3">
        entriesOptions={[5, 20, 25]}

export default DatatablePage;

I think the issue is from your object:

Influencer: "string",
Stories: null,
Posts: null,
Likes: 0,
Comments: 0,
Details: "string"

can you change it for a name from the field?

for this:

influencer: "string",
stories: null,
posts: null,
likes: 0,
comments: 0,
details: "string"

Earlier, your table worked without a problem because it was caused by a bug. It was not possible to change the order of the columns in the table, and now it is fixed.

Best regards, Konrad.

Donzen free commented 5 years ago

Hi @Konrad Stępień,

I think that I figured out the problem, the number 0 doesn't seem to be working correctly with MDB Datatables. You can test this by adding multiple 0 to your row data. It seems to add all 0 behind eachother in one column instead of in the corresponding columns, This might also explain why the 0 styling looks odd.

Konrad Stępień staff commented 5 years ago

HI @Donzen,

Thanks for your suggestion and you are right. I will check this issue and will try to fix it in this release. Also if you can please use data like a string, not number for this time. I will check why datatable has problem with number type. Probably js take 0 like a false and then do not render data.

Konrad Stępień staff commented 5 years ago

@Donzen, Fixed :) You can set for now 0, null , false , undefined value for your row objects. Please wait for the update.

Donzen free commented 5 years ago

@Konrad Stępień That's great to hear, thank you.


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB React
  • MDB Version: 4.22.1
  • Device: Desktop
  • Browser: All
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No