Topic: Table example with object not working
asked 6 years ago
import React, { Fragment } from 'react' import { Table, TableBody, TableHead } from 'mdbreact' export default (data) => ( <Fragment> <h1> Kalendarz zajeć</h1> <button type="button" className="btn btn-primary btn-sm">Matematyka</button> {data && <div> <pre>{JSON.stringify(data.columns)}</pre> <pre>{JSON.stringify(data.rows)}</pre> </div>} <Table> <TableHead columns={data.columns} /> <TableBody rows={data.rows} /> </Table> {!data && <h1>loading</h1>} </Fragment> )-------------------------------------UIstore file---------------
import {observable, action} from "mobx"; import singleton from 'decorators/Singleton' @singleton export default new class { @observable data; @action.bound async getCalendar() { = { columns: [ { label: '#', field: 'id' }, { label: 'First', field: 'first' }, { label: 'Last', field: 'last' }, { label: 'Handle', field: 'handle' } ], rows: [ { 'id': 1, 'first': 'Mark', 'last': 'Otto', 'handle': '@mdo' }, { 'id': 2, 'first': 'Jacob', 'last': 'Thornton', 'handle': '@fat' }, { 'id': 3, 'first': 'Larry', 'last': 'the Bird', 'handle': '@twitter' } ] }; } }()
Jakub Mandra
answered 6 years ago
blackflow pro commented 6 years ago
Iv'e added a full screenshot at the top of my initial post.Jakub Mandra staff commented 6 years ago
Aah, i haven't noticed the link :) But this shows that you lose you data obj somehow inside the View comp. This problem is mind blowing, you have 'data' when you do JSON.stringify, but then it is lost... maybe it is something about that async function within mobx?
answered 6 years ago
I think you should import: import { MDBTable, MDBTableBody, MDBTableHead, } from 'mdbreact';And the table should look like:
<MDBTable responsive> <MDBTableHead columns={data.columns} /> <MDBTableBody rows={data.rows} /> </MDBTable>At least these settings work for me in version 4.7.1
blackflow pro commented 6 years ago
I hope so since it's from documentation - without using objects everything works fineFREE CONSULTATION
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