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Topic: Datapicker Input Toggle

AstroSign free asked 4 years ago

Expected behavior If I click into Datapicker or Timepicker field, then select data or select time should popup Actual behavior This does not work as described on example page. Difference to example is, that I am using datepicker-translated instead of datepicker

                              <div class="form-outline datepicker-translated" > <!-- data-toggle-button="false" data-format="" -->
                                <label for="exampleDatepicker1" class="form-label">Datum</label>
                                <button class="datepicker-toggle-button" data-toggle="datepicker">
                                  <i class="fas fa-calendar datepicker-toggle-icon"></i>

AstroSign free answered 4 years ago

Thank you Grzegorz, I changed accordingly and I tried to get it working with Visual Studio Code Live Server, but it did not work. I tried then the same data on my dev server and there it worked. You can close this case.

Grzegorz Bujański staff answered 4 years ago

You need to correct the code in two places - in input change data-mdb-toggle="datepicker-translated" to data-mdb-toggle="datepicker", and in icon: data-toggle="datepicker" to data-mdb-toggle="datepicker"


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: 3.0.0
  • Device: Browser
  • Browser: Safari
  • OS: Big Sur
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No