Topic: Datepicker init Date without Time
asked 2 years ago
Hello, i use the Datepicker Control. I init it with an DateTime Variable using MVC. The Problem is, with the first init they show me also a Time. After i select a Date its fine and its only the Date format (as i set it in the Format Property). Maybe you can Help me, what i need to to, that the Time is not showing from beginning.
<div class="form-outline datepicker-translated-vertragsbeginn" data-mdb-format="">
@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.DTO.v_beginn, new { @class = "form-control", @id = "VertragsbeginnDatePicker", @placeholder = "" })
<label for="VertragsbeginnDatePicker" class="form-label">@Model.Konfig.Uebersetze("Vertragsbeginn", Session["language"])</label>
Mateusz Lazaru
answered 2 years ago
Unfortunately we do not guarantee that our package will work in a third party environment and we do not support such use.
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