Topic: DateTimepicker Basic example not working
Alistair Wilson priority asked 1 year ago
Expected behavior Using the basic example in the documents, the date and time are not updated when changing. The inline version works fine.
Actual behavior The selected date and time should display in the textbox.
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
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- ForumUser: Priority
- Premium support: Yes
- Technology: MDB Standard
- MDB Version: MDB5 6.2.0
- Device: Desktop
- Browser: Edge
- OS: Windows 11
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: Yes
Mateusz Lazaru staff commented 1 year ago
What exactly happens? Modal closes after 'ok' click and input doesn't get updated?
Does it work different in your browser than in this video?
I've tried to reproduce the problem using a few browsers, but I was not able to.
Alistair Wilson priority commented 1 year ago
Click on the calendar, select a date and time, then ok. The selected value is not updated in the textbox.