Topic: full HTML for Plugins
asked 1 year ago
I want to customize plugins, such as the calendar. Specifically, I need to remove some options in these plugins, like the ability to select the month-view or week-view in UI, as they are unnecessary for my application. However, I only have access to a single line of HTML code, and I am unable to customize it. How can I use a complete HTML code for this calendar, or where can I find it?
Kamila Pieńkowska
answered 1 year ago
All options that can be set via options are listed in the API tab of the documentation:
If you prefer to customize source code and build new minified files for your project you can do that. The complete source code of the component is provided in the package.
ahmadkhoshdel priority commented 1 year ago
thanks for your answer . i found in the package the CSS and JS files but anything about HTML file or somthing like that. can you pleas tell me where is this source code ?
Kamila Pieńkowska staff commented 1 year ago
We do not provide HTML in the packages, because if you are going to build a customized package you will need a bundler, and If you see one you can make changes from your project.
Using the calendar as an example whole calendar is built from JS templates so to change HTML you work on JS files in src
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