Topic: How do I set the format of the Datetimepicker
maheshbasapur free asked 3 years ago
Expected behavior I want user to see the Datetimepicker selected by the Datetimepicker to appear in the form "dd mmm yyyy HH:ii". ie. for eg: 14 Sep 2021 22:30
Actual behavior Default it is showing "14/09/2021, 10:30 PM"
If there is a way to achieve this without javascript code, that would be better.
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
Michał Duszak staff answered 3 years ago
It's not possible to do it in Datetimepicker without JS. Using JS please use options as follows:
const pickerDateOptions = document.querySelector('#datetimepicker-dateOptions');
new mdb.Datetimepicker(pickerDateOptions, {
datepicker: { format: "dd mmm yyyy"},
timepicker: { pmLabel: '', amLabel: ''},
Lockemann priority commented 2 years ago
Not working. You have to select the datepicker 2 times to have an output an stil the output is formatted wrong. Locally (MDB5-STANDARD-UI-KIT-Pro-Advanced-3.10.0) I get an error: mdb is not defined (FF v.94.0.2 OSX)
Michał Duszak staff commented 2 years ago Could you reproduce your code in a snippet?
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