Topic: Is there any way to create a split nav-link button that operates like a split button
asked 11 months ago
Expected behavior
I would like to have a navigation link that operates like a split button. This way you can have a link to a main landing page and then the sub landing pages would be triggered on the click of the down carat.
Actual behavior The only option provided is a traditional dropdown nav-link
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.) see MDB source code.
Kamila Pieńkowska
answered 11 months ago
You can do that with regular split button:
goodfellastech priority commented 11 months ago
Correct, but then the styling is not the same as your other normal navigational links. I was wondering if there was a way to fit it in naturally and not have it look so different.
My example is that I am building a website for a commercial painting company. I want the main link to be for commercial painting, and then the drop arrow would be for the sub-pages exterior commercial painting, interior commercial painting, and industrial commercial painting.
As of right now, there is no way to make the button look right or have the functionality I am looking for without it wrapping two lines or having clearly different styling
goodfellastech priority commented 11 months ago
Ok, you have to basically change the classes but use the split dropdown to your advantage like this
" class="nav-link shadow-0">Action Toggle Dropdown
That did it
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