Holiday Notice: Support will be provided on a limited scale from December 24th, 2024, to January 2nd, 2025. Happy holidays and a wonderful New Year!

Andrew Ford priority asked 1 year ago

I have 4 tabs;

  • #nearMeTab
  • #friendsTab
  • #everyoneTab
  • #myChatterTab

I only want to save either "nearMeTab", "friendsTab", or "everyoneTab" in the database.

To ensure the user can come back to the last tab they visited, I need to use document.querySelectorAll() - but I am getting the following error;

Uncaught TypeError: document.querySelectorAll(...).addEventListener is not a function

By using document.querySelector(), only the first tab's ID gets saved.

Kamila Pieńkowska staff answered 1 year ago

document.querySelectorAll() results in an array and you cannot addEventListener to an array. You have to iterate through all elements in the array and addEventListener to every single one.

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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: MDB5 6.3.1
  • Device: N/A
  • Browser: N/A
  • OS: N/A
  • Provided sample code: Yes
  • Provided link: No