Topic: My MDB Account not allowing me to view the PRO code snippets
rogwabbit priority asked 2 years ago
I was able to see the PRO snippets a few days ago and now foe some reason I can not view them. Can someone explain what has happened to my MDB account? I am in the middle of a project and need the documentation for a few things still.
Sebastian Kaczmarek staff answered 2 years ago
Sorry for the inconvenience. Your issue should be resolved now
pjamieson priority commented 2 years ago
Me too! This doesn't tell how to resolve the issue!
Arkadiusz Cacko staff commented 2 years ago
@pjamieson Could you please send a link to page/snippet which you don't have an access?
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- ForumUser: Priority
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- Technology: MDB Standard
- MDB Version: MDB5 3.9.0
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- Browser: Chrome
- OS: windows 10
- Provided sample code: No
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