Topic: Retain custom properties when instantiating datatable

Dylan DeMarco priority asked 1 year ago

Expected behavior If I am creating a datatable using a div with the class datatable around HTML, I would expect that custom data- attributes defined in the cells to be present in the final rendering. For example:

<!-- In my HTML file-->
<td data-my-custom-prop="42" ><small>Cell content</small></td>
<!-- when inspecting the element on the rendered page -->
<td [...styles from formatCell] data-mdb-field="field_3" false="" data-my-custom-prop="42">
            <small>Cell content</small>

Actual behavior

 <!-- In my HTML file-->
<td data-my-custom-prop="42" ><small>Cell content</small></td>
<!-- when inspecting the element on the rendered page -->
<td [...styles from formatCell] data-mdb-field="field_3" false="">
            <small>Cell content</small>

I.e. the custom prop is not carried into the rendered datatable

Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)

Grzegorz Bujański staff answered 11 months ago

We are currently working on more extensive tables. We do not plan to add such a feature in Datatables, but our new product will allow you to set custom classes, styles, and data attributes

Dylan DeMarco priority commented 11 months ago

Good to know! Thank you. In the meantime, I found a workaround for anyone else with a similar goal: if you put the cell content inside a within the table cell and give the div the custom property, it will be retained!

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  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: -
  • Device: -
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  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No