Topic: Sidenav toggle breaks when select input is on page

Marvin Herbold priority asked 3 years ago

Whenever you have a sidenav toggle and a select input on the page, the sidenav toggle breaks when the dropdown for the select input is closed.

Here is something to test this with -

Steps - toggle sidenav open / close after page loads. It works. Click on select input. Close the select input dropdown. Sidenav toggle no longer works.

Please fix this.

Michał Duszak staff answered 3 years ago

They are not working together as they should. I am currently working on a fix in our core library. Thank you for your feedback.

Marvin Herbold priority answered 3 years ago

You I have deleted the script, that came with your sidenav example, entirely from my snippet - as you can see it's not having anything to do with the issue - it's still there.

Marvin Herbold priority answered 3 years ago

The snippet I am using comes directly from your sidenav component page, the very last example at the bottom of that page. All I did was replace the search text box with the select / option menu.

Your JS hack in your snippet doesn't really work for us - I cannot close the sidenav by clicking on the sidenav toggle icon, as your JS code is always opening it.

There is definitely an issue with the MDB core library JS code with the sidenav toggle and select dropdown not playing nice with each other.

Michał Duszak staff answered 3 years ago

There may be the problem with the script. I used show(); method to achieve the functionality, and it works for me.

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  • ForumUser: Priority
  • Premium support: Yes
  • Technology: MDB Standard
  • MDB Version: MDB5 3.5.1
  • Device: All
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  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: Yes