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Topic: MdbSelect - Programmatically select an option

Storism free asked 5 years ago

Is there a way I can programmatically select a value. I am able to save a users input using the @getValue event, but when I re-open my page I would like to set the value back to that one.

I have tried all sorts, below is my latest attempt

data() {
        return {
            basicOptions: [
                { text: 'Boolean', value: 'boolean' },
                { text: 'Array', value: 'array' },
                { text: 'Number', value: 'number' },
                { text: 'String', value: 'string' },
                { text: 'Integer', value: 'integer' }
            options: []
    watch: {
        item: function(val, oldVal) {
            if (val) {
    methods: {
        loadDataType(val) {
            this.basicOptions.forEach((option) => {
                option.selected = option.value === val
            this.$set(this, 'options', this.basicOptions) //   this.options = this.basicOptions
        getSelectValue(i) {
            this.item.dataType = i



Mikołaj Smoleński staff answered 5 years ago

Hi there,

I think here in the first example we have similar case:

To change value of select we just have to change basicOptions array of objects, like this:

selectOption(key) {
  this.basicOptions.forEach(option => {
    option.selected = false;

  this.$set(this.basicOptions[key], "selected", true);

Please let me know if this helped to solve your problem.

Best regards

Mikołaj Smoleński staff answered 5 years ago

Thanks for your remarks. We'll extend the documentation soon according to that issue.

Best regards

digitalmanagerguru free answered 5 years ago


I had the same problem and this did the trick. Thanks!

It should be on the documentation. There is no information about how to set the selected value as the default one.

Storism free answered 5 years ago

Thanks Mikołaj,

Your code got me working, I did a small tweak but all good now

    loadDataType(key) {
        this.basicOptions.forEach((option) => {
            option.selected = false
        let selectedOption = this.basicOptions.find((o) => o.value === key)

        this.$set(selectedOption, 'selected', true)


data() {
    return {
        basicOptions: [
            { text: 'Boolean', value: 'boolean' },
            { text: 'Array', value: 'array' },
            { text: 'Number', value: 'number' },
            { text: 'String', value: 'string' },
            { text: 'Integer', value: 'integer' }

Please insert min. 20 characters.


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Specification of the issue

  • ForumUser: Free
  • Premium support: No
  • Technology: MDB Vue
  • MDB Version: 6.2.0
  • Device: MacBook Pro
  • Browser: Chome
  • OS: MacOS
  • Provided sample code: No
  • Provided link: No