Topic: MDBVue editable table with Select Drop down not working
asked 4 years ago
I want to add select drop down in the MDBVue editable table cell.
currently there is not any example given for select drop down for mdbvue editable table.
please give me any example so i can implement it myself.
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Specification of the issue
- ForumUser: Free
- Premium support: No
- Technology: MDB Vue
- MDB Version: 6.7.1
- Device: PC
- Browser: google chrome
- OS: Windows 10
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No
modadvisor free commented 4 years ago
Any update please. Thank you
Mikołaj Smoleński staff commented 4 years ago
As I wrote here we can provide custom examples only as an additional paid service. Best regards
modadvisor free commented 4 years ago
@Mikołaj Smoleński dear sir but this select drop down should be include in the mdbvue pro. because this is not fair. as if we ask you to provide us each and every small thing to pay. because please think this i want to put select drop down in your editable table so you have to provide us every field how to include in the editable table. is this fair that if i want to include each field in the editable table and everytime i pay you. you can refer any of the theme provider because if your providing editable table then there should be included example of all fields instructions that how to include in the table. that is called pro theme. let me know if i am wrong. Thanks
modadvisor free commented 4 years ago
@Mikołaj Smoleński i can understand that if there any new whole plugin that i have to purchase ofcourse but this is the part of the table so it should be more clear instructions there so i can add field my self in the editable table.
Mikołaj Smoleński staff commented 4 years ago
In our library you can find hundreds of components in very different configurations. We guarantee that each of them will function in accordance with the documentation, but cannot guarantee that any combination of any component will work consistently. Table editable was created to include text data, so I emphasize that any other functionality will be an advanced paid feature for us.
Best regards