Topic: MDB Card Full Height
asked 5 years ago
Entire card, top to bottom fill screen in SPA application.
Right now the component containing the cards seem to have a large border top and bottom. I would like it if the graphic were flush to the section above the cards. Also getting rid of the top arrow in my case would be great.
Resources (screenshots, code snippets etc.)
Bartosz Termena
answered 5 years ago
Perhaps you mean something like Full page image carousel?
Check this out:
and search for Full page image carousel
If that's not what you mean, try this:
//getting rid of the top arrows
.controls-top {
display: none;
//Images in Bootstrap are made responsive
//with .img-fluid. max-width: 100%; and height: auto;
//are applied to the image so that it scales with the parent element.
//Try to set height manually
.img-fluid {
height: 75vh;
width: auto;
//removing paddings
.card-body {
padding-top: 0.2rem;
padding-bottom: 0;
And here is my html example:
class="carousel-multi-item multi-animation"
<mdb-card class="my-1">
alt="Card image cap"
<a href="#" mdbBtn color="primary" class="waves-light" mdbWavesEffect>Button</a>
<mdb-card class="my-1">
alt="Card image cap"
<a href="#" mdbBtn color="primary" class="waves-light" mdbWavesEffect>Button</a>
Best, Bartosz.
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- ForumUser: Free
- Premium support: No
- Technology: MDB Angular
- MDB Version: 8.1.1
- Device: PC
- Browser: Chrome
- OS: Win 10
- Provided sample code: No
- Provided link: No
Bartosz Termena staff commented 5 years ago
Dear @dojo44
Could you show me your html?
Best, Bartosz.
dojo44 free commented 5 years ago
--> --> --> --> --> {{card.title}}--> --> {{card.description}}
--> {{card.buttonText}}β>--> --> --> -->